Advanced Algorithms

Credits 7
Lecturer Michael Kapralov
Schedule Lectures: Tuesdays 8-10 in CE 2 and Thursdays 13-15 in CM 1.
Exercises: Fridays 10-13 in CM 1105 (also INF 1 if necessary).

A first graduate course in algorithms, this course assumes minimal background, but moves rapidly. The objective is to learn the main techniques of algorithm analysis and design while building a repertory of basic algorithmic solutions to problems in many domains.

This is a course for Master students. The lectures will be in English.

For more details see the official couse book here.

Important dates

Topics to be covered

A preliminary list of potential topics:


The detailed schedule, lecture notes, and additional links to material will be available on the course moodle: http://moodle.epfl.ch/

Mid-term and Final Exam

You are allowed to use a hand written A4-page on which you can write anything on both sides. (You are not allowed to look at it using a magnifying glass!)


The final grade will be based on two homeworks [30%], the midterm [30%], and the final exam [40%].