
Ola Svensson

I am an Associate Professor active in the theory group at the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, EPFL. My research interests include approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational complexity and scheduling. I am grateful to the generous support from the ERC Starting Grant "OptApprox" (2014-2019), from the SNF grant "Randomness in Problem Instances and Randomized Algorithms" (2019 - 2023), and from the ERC Consolidator Grant "POTCO" (2023-).

Phone +41 21 693 1204
Fax +41 21 693 7510
E-mail firstname.lastname at epfl dot ch

Address EPFL-IC
Building INJ (INJ112)
Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne

Visiting address Office INJ112


I have (and had) the pleasure to advice and learn from the following PhD students:


I am very proud to have received the I&C teaching award.

Semester projects

For available semester projects for EPFL students, please contact me directly be sending an email.


I teach (taught) Advanced Algorithms, Algorithms, Topics in Theoretical Computer Science., Computational Complexity, and Approximation Algorithms and Hardness of Approximation.
Previously at KTH, I was responsible for the graduate course Approximation Algorithms and I taught some of the lectures in Johan Håstad's postgraduate course Theoreticians toolkit.


This is not updated very regularly. For a more up-to-date list, see DBLP.

Journal Papers

Conference Papers

Surveys and Invited Papers


Publications on Algorithms for Infinite Games from my Master thesis